Pembelajaran Jigsaw

The Mathematics Learning Experimentation with Guided Inquiry-oriented Jigsaw Type of Cooperative Learning Model through the use of visual aids in rectangular flat structure material viewed from Mathematics Reasoning Competency

This research aims to find out: (1) which one providing better mathematics learning achievement, the learning using guided inquiry-oriented Jigsaw type of cooperative learning model, Jigsaw type of cooperative or conventional learning model in rectangular flat structure material, (2) which one having mathematics learning achievement, the student with high, medium, or low mathematics reasoning skill in rectangular flat structure material, (3) in each mathematics reasoning skill (high, medium, and low), which one providing better learning achievement between guided inquiry-oriented Jigsaw type of cooperative learning model with visual aid use, Jigsaw type of cooperative or conventional learning model in rectangular flat structure material, (4) in each learning model (guided inquiry-oriented Jigsaw type of cooperative learning model with visual aid use, Jigsaw type of cooperative or conventional), which one providing better mathematics learning achievement, the students with high, medium or low mathematics reasoning skill in rectangular flat structure material.
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